
Idioms and Phrases 25.09.2019

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    25 September at 12:59 PM

Come (3rd PART)

Come in


Usage: Please come in and initiate the drill.

Usage: That car just came in.

Become relevant, applicable or useful
Usage: The third Act of the play is where Lisa comes in.

Become available
Usage: Cauliflowers will be coming in the winter season.

Have a strong enough signal to be able to be received well
Usage: Most of the relatives get 14 channels, but only two of them come in well here.

Join or enter; to begin playing with a group
Usage: They started together, but the pianist came in late.

Function in the indicated manner
Usage: A pocketknife can come in handy.

Finish a race or similar competition in a particular position
Usage: My daughter came in fourth in the final race.

Come in for

Meaning: Be subjected to criticism or praise
Usage: She came in for a bitter criticism.

Come into


Inherit (money)
Usage: After his grandfather died, he came into a large fortune.

Start to exist
Usage: Life came into being only after there was water on earth.

Be something that one must consider
Usage: I didn't want to be unemployed, not only because of the money- pride came into it as well.


Come off


Have some success, to succeed
Usage: He tried his signature impression, but it didn’t really come off.

To happen, take place
Usage: Did the trip to Virginia ever come off?

Come on


a. Encouragement
Usage: Come on, let us get dress and go to the party.

Appear on a television broadcast
Usage: As soon as I turned on the television, my favorite show came on.

Progress, to develop
Usage: The new plant is coming on nicely.

Encounter, discover; to come upon.
Usage: Taking the least travelled road, I came on Julia sitting by the riverbank.

Make a romantic or sexual advance to; to hit on
Usage: He was really coming on to me at the party.

Start to
Usage: It came on to rain after dawn.

Come out

a. Be discovered, be revealed
Usage: He finally came out that his brother had been manipulating everyone all the time.

Be published, be issued
Usage: My new video comes out next week.

End up or result

Usage: There were a lot of problems in the beginning, but it all came out well in the end.

Come out of the closet
Usage: She came out about being lesbian to his parents last week.

Be deducted from
Usage: That amount comes out of my salary.

Leave (out of), exit from
Usage: The child came out of the hiding.

Express one’s opinion openly
Usage: They all had come out in favor of the surgical strike.

Come out in

Meanings: Be afflicted by
Usage: She’s come out in spots.

Come out with: Say something unexpected
Usage: He came out with a very unacceptable excuse.


Meanings: Say something publicly and unexpectedly
Usage: He comes out with the strangest things while being surrounded by many people.

Make something available/ to be produced or published
Usage: The company came out with a new line of clothes in just two months.

Come out of: To develop from something
Usage: The book came out of his experiences in the village.





Verifying, please be patient.