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NATO Membership for Finland and Sweden

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  • Published
    17th May, 2022


Recently, Finland and Sweden have shown interest to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Why are Sweden and Finland Not NATO Members? 


  • It has stayed out of such alliances because it always wanted to maintain cordial relations with its neighbour, Russia.
  • For a long time, the idea of not joining NATO or getting too close to the West was a matter of survival for the Finns.
    • However, the change in perception and an overwhelming support to join NATO came about following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


  • Unlike Finland, whose policy stance was a matter of survival, Sweden has been opposed to joining the organisation for ideological reasons.

How have Russia and other Countries Reacted?

  • Russia: Russia threatened to take military measures if the membership goes through and warned Finland to be aware of the consequences of this move.
  • European and US: European Nations and the United States have welcomed the announcement.
    • Norway and Denmark have said they will push for NATO admission faster.
    • Until the membership is formally accepted, the US stated it is prepared to provide any necessary defence support or address any concerns.
  • Turkey:Turkey opposes Finland and Sweden joining NATO.
    • The Turkish government claimed that it could use its membership in the Western alliance to veto moves to admit the two nations.
    • The Turkish government cited Sweden and other Scandinavian countries for supporting Kurdish militants and other groups it considers terrorist.

What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

  • NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which is also called the North Atlantic Alliance.
  • It is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
  • It Aims  to provide collective security against Soviet expansionism and to encourage European political integration in the aftermath of World War II.
  • The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by a non-member external party. 
  • NATO’s headquarters are located at Boulevard Leopold III in the city of Brussels, Belgium, where the Supreme Allied Commander resides.
  • There are 30 countries that are currently part of NATO. Two countries in North America and 28 European countries, including several former Soviet nations.

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