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ZSI starts tagging olive ridleys to track migration path

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    13th Jan, 2021


  • The Zoological Survey of India has started tagging endangered olive ridleys to track their migration path in the off-shore waters of Odisha.

What is tagging and how it will be useful?

  • The tags are made up of aluminum.
  • Platform Transmitter Terminals (PTTs) or tags, permits an online monitoring of migratory routes.
  • Generally, these are radio transmitters that transmit a signal that can be detected by polar orbiting satellites.
  • The Study was conducted to know the migration path.
  • The study was then carried out to know their movement in sea so that the area can be avoided for hydrocarbon exploration.
  • It will help in protecting the migration routes from the any anthropogenic activities.

What are the mass nesting sites of Olive Ridley Turtle in India?

  • The Rushikulya beach, Odisha is one of the largest mass nesting sites for sea turtles.
  • The Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary, the Devi river mouth, Odisha and West Bengal are other sites.
  • They are alsofound on the shores of the Andaman Islands.

Characteristics of beach chosen by Olive Ridley Turtle

Olive riddle generally choose nest in the beach having following characteristics:

  • Beach must be accessible from sea.
  • It should be high enough to prevent inundation of eggs by high tide.
  • The substrate must facilitate gas diffusion and be moist and fine to prevent collapse of Eggs.
  • The coastal water should be low salinity and high humidity.

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